Thursday, January 27, 2011

This Weekend...

This weekend I am going to Hackensack, MN to the Deep Portage Learning Center for a "Mandatory" Orientation weekend. I'm not so sure how much learning and orientating it will be as much as super fun getting to know all of my fellow outbounds and our district's current inbounds. I'll hopefully post some pictures when I get home on Sunday. I say hopefully as I am rather awful at remembering that I should take pictures.
In other news 31 days until the 52nd Annual Academy Awards! I'm on a mission to see as many of the nominated movies as possible within these thirty one days. Though I sincerely doubt that will happen, my hope is to see all best picture nominees. So far I have seen three. Toy Story 3 on my seventeenth birthday. Yeah that's right, old enough to see R movies and would rather go to a G one. This one just got nominated because Pixar is classic. How many movies have a third movie that is actually as good as if not better than the first? I have also seen Black Swan. Though this was a very good movie showing Natalie Portman at her finest, I don't believe this will win either, seeing as it is so graphic I actually had to close my eyes at some points. I do believe that Natalie Portman might win best actress. Thirdly I have seen the Social Network as of last Sunday. I really liked this movie, but as my friend points out the GG winner hasn't won the Oscar in 8 years. I say this is the year to break that streak but I have yet to see The King's Speech, and The Fighter, other very strong contenders.
List of Movies left to see:
  1. The Fighter
  2. Inception
  3. The Kids Are All Right
  4. The King's Speech
  5. 127 Hours
  6. True Grit
  7. Winter's Bone

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